"GOT TO BE A PLAYER NOT A FOLLOWER" (Khalid Zakaria, 2010 ). Kerja jadi follower memang best. senang. Relax je. Just follow apa orang buat, apa orang suruh. Tak pening kepala, tak ada masalah. Tapi kadang-kadang perasaan dia macam drive cooper,mini austin punya version kat atas highway dengan kelajuan 80km/j. Kiri kanan kereta lain dok mencilok tapi kita stay cool je kat situ macam tak bergerak. Yeke cool? Panas dalam hati sebenarnya tapi nak buat camne dah itu kereta pujaan kita. Bawak je lah walaupun cemburu dengan kereta lain yang dok memecut meninggalkan si cute yang slow ni. Hewmm...maybe it's time to buy the new mini cooper or maybe alphard. think(",)?
Ayah selalu cakap dalam hidup ni kita tak boleh terlalu memandang yang di atas sebab boleh lupa pada yang di bawah. Contohnya, bila kita tengok member kita beli camera DSLR mesti kita cemburu sebab kita cuma ada coolpix 10mp je. Tapi cuba kita tengok member kita lagi sorang yang terpaksa pinjam kamera orang lain time nak buat assignment sebab dia tak mampu nak beli kamera filem gulung pun. Tak ke kita rasa kita patut bersyukur dengan coolpix 10mp tu? think(",)?
Satu lagi ayah nak suruh fikir, kenapa kita selalu pandang ke depan dalam urusan dunia semata yang boleh buat kita develop rasa cemburu dan iri hati dengan orang sekeliling? Kenapa kita tak pernah nak rasa macam dalam urusan ukhrawi? "urm.. jeles r tengok Siti selalu sedekah kat orang susah...nak sedekah jugalah". Tak ke perkara-perkara macam ni lebih menyumbang kepada peningkatan ekonomi, akhlak dan imej Islam di mata dunia? Macam ni baru boleh maju, tak adalah orang kita dianalogikan seperti ketam dalam bakul rotan, seekor nak panjat keluar, seekor lagi dok tarik jatuhkan. Last-last semua tak dapat keluar. think (",)?
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
huhuhuhu~spechless...bukan buat dosa pun tapi cam merah coklat tua je muka dah. macam manalah boleh kantoi...hadoii....rasa macam nak stop menulis je. ye la sebab aku menulis ni bukan nak siapa-siapa baca atau nak orang tahu apa yang aku rasa cuma nak mencari tempat untuk meluah apa yang kadang-kadang tak nak terluah ikut mulut. nak tulis diari macam old version sangat.jiwang.wuwu.tapi melarikan diri tu da macam Galang. coward. tak maw. so, aku dah decide untuk terus tulis. kawan-kawan sila jangan buat mukaku bertukar kaler biru coklat tua ye.haduuuuu rasa nak masuk tin biskut merry je...huhu ('_')"
manusia macam kereta...you can't expect the old mini cooper to run as fast as the new version but it do have quality that nobody else get...she's antique and unique...
kebiasaan manusia, suka menilai. never think that its good to judge others because we have the tendency to mistakenly judge others. peer assessment is one of it. Hate it but can't do nothing with it because it is the system. whether i like it or not...still got to do it but i'll do it my way. i don't care if the lecturer ask me later on why i give all full marks to my colleagues because it is my assessment.my evaluation.it's my right to give whatever marks that i like because for me that is bonus. bonus that i can save my friend in certain condition such as maybe they are in the middle of grade of B and C...so with the marks i gave, it will help them to survive. isn't that great?but i don't mind if others doesn't do the same.maybe they don't want the lecturer to nag or maybe i'm not deserve that grade...
berbalik kepada analogi manusia macam kereta.kenapa kereta? sebab semenjak kereta mula-mula dicipta sampailah ke hari ini, dah jadi tak terbilang banyaknya jenis dan keupayaan kereta yang ada. tapi yang pasti, kereta mempunyai keupayaan yang berbeza-beza.Camry memang terbaekk...2.0cc and above..memang laju boleh gi tapi kancil 850cc je mana bole lumba. mau tercabut pintu-pintu...haha. tapi terbaekk jugak bawa kancil. senang nak cilok...kann??contoh lagi? ok try ushar toyota version zaman dolu-dolu.yang belom ada aircond tu...yang kadang-kadang diorang letak kipas biru kacik kat depan tu. pastu bandingkan dengan BLM yang banyak orang dok bawak la ni.tengok kalo kena langgar. tak payah treller la, babi pun dah cukup(maaf bahasa kasaq sket). tengok berapa teruk dia punya remuk. body macam tin milo je. kalau kereta dulu-dulu tak macam tu. body diorang firm. besi padat. tak ada maknanya nak remuk teruk-teruk macam kereta sekarang ni. tapi naik BLM lapang dada la sikit. tak kuat makan minyak...so kita bolehlah kuat makan nasik...ye takk??haha
so moral of the story:
1)different person have different quality. may you not a good student in reading fact, but may be you got some talent in art.don't feel bad about the disability, proud of your ability.
2)never judge people by putting ourselves as reference. "ahh aku boleh buat kenapa kau tak boleh?mesti sebab kau malas". here we have tendency to not being empathy. mungkin our friend sakit or dia memang tak mampu atas sebab-sebab tertentu. we never know.so don't be that cruel.
3)maybe people's ability is different but there's always a room for change. macam kereta, kalo modified enjin, boleh buat race woo walaupun cuma kancil. manusia pun macam tu jugak. kena sentiasa usaha untuk jadi lebih baik setiap masa dengan doa dan usaha.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
aDe BeRann??
Berani. Ada apa dengan berani? Nasi beriani? haha memang tak ada dah benda lain yang dok berlegar-legar dalam benak ni....makan...makanan...makan...itu je la pusing-pusing pun. Apa yang significant sangat aku nak dok cerita pasal berani ni? Dah tajuk pun first step so mesti ada kait-mengait dengan langkah pertama kan?
Dalam hidup ni kalau nak maju kita kena berani. Berani ada macam-macam. Berani ada peringkat. Berani ada pro n con. Contohnya berani peringkat kanak-kanak, sebelum diorang start melangkah, diorang kena berani untuk berdiri dulu. Ingat tak cuak ke budak-budak tu nak berdiri atas kaki bulat-bulat tembam diorang tu...tapi diorang beranikan juga diri diorang berdiri sebab diorang nak berjalan dan juga sebab diorang rasa teruja bila mak, ayah, kakak, abang, pak cik dan mak cik diorang yang dok bersorak tengok diorang mula berdiri dan melangkah. Itu baru peringkat kanak-kanak punya berani, belum yang time masuk sekolah lagi...kena berani cakap depan kelas, kenalkan diri, dub dab dub dab....haha
Tapi walau apa pun, basicnya tetap sama. Dengan berani kita boleh memulakan langkah pertama untuk capai kejayaan, dengan berani kita boleh terima kegagalan, dengan berani juga kita mula belajar liku-liku kehidupan. Dan untuk berani kita perlukan dorongan. Tapi berani perlu pada pedoman dan pegangan supaya tak terbabas mengejar impian.
Berikut adalah contoh berani bagi seorang aku:
(1) berani untuk tulis blog walaupun bukan bidang dan minat aku sebab aku ada aim untuk dicapai
(2) berani untuk lihat hasil tulisan tak memberansangkan, berani untuk tanya perkara berkaitan kat kawan
(3) aku ada member yang suka provoke tapi leh jadik peransang untuk aku jadi berani dan push diri ke depan
(4) aku belajar macam mana nak create account, macam mana nak menulis, macam mana nak dapatkan bahan untuk menulis, dsb. tak senang rupanya wooo...
(5) aku berusaha untuk tulis blog yang tidak merapu, tidak terlalu merosakkan bahasa, tidak melanggar batas-batas sebagai seorang anak, pelajar dan semestinya seorang Muslim
Berani ni macam besi berani, kalau kita tak control dan halakan pada jalan yang betul dia akan tarik besi-besi berkarat kat sekeliling kita dan jika sebaliknya ia akan jadi penarik pada perkara-perkara positif untuk kemaslahatan kita...macam yang Hlovate kata dalam Rooftop Rant, live well or live hell...u choose.
Dalam hidup ni kalau nak maju kita kena berani. Berani ada macam-macam. Berani ada peringkat. Berani ada pro n con. Contohnya berani peringkat kanak-kanak, sebelum diorang start melangkah, diorang kena berani untuk berdiri dulu. Ingat tak cuak ke budak-budak tu nak berdiri atas kaki bulat-bulat tembam diorang tu...tapi diorang beranikan juga diri diorang berdiri sebab diorang nak berjalan dan juga sebab diorang rasa teruja bila mak, ayah, kakak, abang, pak cik dan mak cik diorang yang dok bersorak tengok diorang mula berdiri dan melangkah. Itu baru peringkat kanak-kanak punya berani, belum yang time masuk sekolah lagi...kena berani cakap depan kelas, kenalkan diri, dub dab dub dab....haha
Tapi walau apa pun, basicnya tetap sama. Dengan berani kita boleh memulakan langkah pertama untuk capai kejayaan, dengan berani kita boleh terima kegagalan, dengan berani juga kita mula belajar liku-liku kehidupan. Dan untuk berani kita perlukan dorongan. Tapi berani perlu pada pedoman dan pegangan supaya tak terbabas mengejar impian.
Berikut adalah contoh berani bagi seorang aku:
(1) berani untuk tulis blog walaupun bukan bidang dan minat aku sebab aku ada aim untuk dicapai
(2) berani untuk lihat hasil tulisan tak memberansangkan, berani untuk tanya perkara berkaitan kat kawan
(3) aku ada member yang suka provoke tapi leh jadik peransang untuk aku jadi berani dan push diri ke depan
(4) aku belajar macam mana nak create account, macam mana nak menulis, macam mana nak dapatkan bahan untuk menulis, dsb. tak senang rupanya wooo...
(5) aku berusaha untuk tulis blog yang tidak merapu, tidak terlalu merosakkan bahasa, tidak melanggar batas-batas sebagai seorang anak, pelajar dan semestinya seorang Muslim
Berani ni macam besi berani, kalau kita tak control dan halakan pada jalan yang betul dia akan tarik besi-besi berkarat kat sekeliling kita dan jika sebaliknya ia akan jadi penarik pada perkara-perkara positif untuk kemaslahatan kita...macam yang Hlovate kata dalam Rooftop Rant, live well or live hell...u choose.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
true love~
Everybody has their own love story..their true love they said...maybe i just not find mine yet... never mind...for me, the real love or true love is the day Allah makes two heart close together through marriage."cintan-cintun" before marriage for me is not real...everybody can say anything..everything about their love.."untukmu...lautan api sanggup kurenangi...gunung tinggi akan kudaki..lurah jua aku turuni"...haha standard clause..action should go along with words otherwise it will become a "tin kosong"(cakap je lebih tp habuk pon tara) haha like my friend always said...i walk my talk...test your spouse not trust them yet before it proves.haha..
Okey lets proceed to the main agenda...this about a true story of my fathers' classmate when he is in form 6 at SMK Sultan Ismail JB. It's about this girl named Sarah (bukan nama sebenar) who's madly in love with his classmate, Ridzuan. Though she is so fond of him, she never tells her feeling to him but she did hajat preyers and prays to Allah everyday to open his heart to her.
Time passes but still, nothing happen between them. She's still waits and waits...until one day she got to knew that Ridzuan dating her classmate, Salina, a city girl. She was very frustrated but keep going and finished her study with flying colours that allows her to further study at university then graduated and becomes a teacher. Same goes to Ridzuan he did well to then he becomes a banker.
Allah is the greatest in arranging things. He knows better about everything, what is good and what is not for His servant. Ridzuan at last break up with Salina after a long thought. He is a kampung boy who live in very plain and humble life which is totally different with Salina who live with silver spoon. She might accept the way he is but may be not her parents. They are way to different to be together, then they take their own path. After a while, Allah the Almighty move his heart. He, once in a blue moon think of Sarah. With the helps of friends he managed to contact her again and lastly they love that long burried finally grows...they get married and happily ever after.
Here we finally found out that:
1) Pray.When we fond to someone, pray to Allah to makes us together. Don't have to tell others. Doa is the weapon of Muslim. Allah has told us to pray to Him and He will answered the doa immidiately, later or replace him/her with better person.
2) Don't despair and never loose hope. Though we are not destined to be with our lovers, believe that Allah has better arrangement for us. Never takes easy way to shows our despair through stupid things like doing bad in study or smoking or committing suicide. Once you commit suicide on earth you will keep repeating the same things in hell.Nauzubillahhiminzaalik...
3) Allah's love last forever. No matter how much we love our partners we never knows how it will end up. Maybe we will break up before anything happen...
"mungkinkan terputus di tengah jalan mungkin terlerai tanpa ikatan usah ragu dengan takdir"
-Aiman-Cinta Terakhir
or we might be together with our partner but we get divorce because of something or the death come.
There it shows that no love last longer than love to Allah SWT. Love Allah, He will always be with us in every beat of our heart...remember Him when we sit or standing...we will never despair in anything cause we have Allah to return anytime anywhre...
"Dan hamba-hamba yang beriman itu berdoa, Wahai Tuhan kami kurniakanlah untuk kami isteri-isteri kami dan anak-anak kami yang jadi penyejuk mata kami dan jadilah kami petuan orang-orang yang muttaqin."
Okey lets proceed to the main agenda...this about a true story of my fathers' classmate when he is in form 6 at SMK Sultan Ismail JB. It's about this girl named Sarah (bukan nama sebenar) who's madly in love with his classmate, Ridzuan. Though she is so fond of him, she never tells her feeling to him but she did hajat preyers and prays to Allah everyday to open his heart to her.
Time passes but still, nothing happen between them. She's still waits and waits...until one day she got to knew that Ridzuan dating her classmate, Salina, a city girl. She was very frustrated but keep going and finished her study with flying colours that allows her to further study at university then graduated and becomes a teacher. Same goes to Ridzuan he did well to then he becomes a banker.
Allah is the greatest in arranging things. He knows better about everything, what is good and what is not for His servant. Ridzuan at last break up with Salina after a long thought. He is a kampung boy who live in very plain and humble life which is totally different with Salina who live with silver spoon. She might accept the way he is but may be not her parents. They are way to different to be together, then they take their own path. After a while, Allah the Almighty move his heart. He, once in a blue moon think of Sarah. With the helps of friends he managed to contact her again and lastly they love that long burried finally grows...they get married and happily ever after.
Here we finally found out that:
1) Pray.When we fond to someone, pray to Allah to makes us together. Don't have to tell others. Doa is the weapon of Muslim. Allah has told us to pray to Him and He will answered the doa immidiately, later or replace him/her with better person.
2) Don't despair and never loose hope. Though we are not destined to be with our lovers, believe that Allah has better arrangement for us. Never takes easy way to shows our despair through stupid things like doing bad in study or smoking or committing suicide. Once you commit suicide on earth you will keep repeating the same things in hell.Nauzubillahhiminzaalik...
3) Allah's love last forever. No matter how much we love our partners we never knows how it will end up. Maybe we will break up before anything happen...
"mungkinkan terputus di tengah jalan mungkin terlerai tanpa ikatan usah ragu dengan takdir"
-Aiman-Cinta Terakhir
or we might be together with our partner but we get divorce because of something or the death come.
There it shows that no love last longer than love to Allah SWT. Love Allah, He will always be with us in every beat of our heart...remember Him when we sit or standing...we will never despair in anything cause we have Allah to return anytime anywhre...
"Dan hamba-hamba yang beriman itu berdoa, Wahai Tuhan kami kurniakanlah untuk kami isteri-isteri kami dan anak-anak kami yang jadi penyejuk mata kami dan jadilah kami petuan orang-orang yang muttaqin."
(Surah al-Furqan:74)
Friday, November 5, 2010
first step??heh...
feel kinda awkward to write...nor my specialty neither in my job scope not even my field of interest...
so why did i??
one of the hadith curse one who his day today is worst then yesterday...
its very normal...for people to change according to time...the surroundings...the situation and so many other reasons...
so i take this first step as one of the effort to change.change myself to a better person...
1.to write-->so that i can improve my language (malay,english,etc)
2.to read-->then i can construct a better clause
3.to learn-->that helps me to write an informative pharagraph
4.to befriend-->therefore they will lead me to see through the world in different perspectives
ahha seems to be so much can be benefit from this..
first step has been taken...lets proceed to the next step...
feel kinda awkward to write...nor my specialty neither in my job scope not even my field of interest...
so why did i??
one of the hadith curse one who his day today is worst then yesterday...
its very normal...for people to change according to time...the surroundings...the situation and so many other reasons...
so i take this first step as one of the effort to change.change myself to a better person...
1.to write-->so that i can improve my language (malay,english,etc)
2.to read-->then i can construct a better clause
3.to learn-->that helps me to write an informative pharagraph
4.to befriend-->therefore they will lead me to see through the world in different perspectives
ahha seems to be so much can be benefit from this..
first step has been taken...lets proceed to the next step...
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